Dennis Magaña – Montrose, Colorado … “Marcas De Esperanza” (Marks of Hope) was the theme for an evangelistic outreach series presented by Elder Francisco Flores, from Montemorelos, Mexico, at the Montrose Spanish Adventist Church’ April 15-22.

Using well known biblical characters, Flores presented on and showed Jesus as our only hope. He challenged not only those visiting but church members as well to have a real relationship with Jesus.

Each night was filled with song, giving of gifts to visitors, and a small snack to socialize and get to know our visiting friends better.

On Friday night, the church received the amazing news that one soul wanted to profess her love of Jesus by getting baptized. Plans were made to have the baptismal service at the Montrose English Adventist Church Sabbath afternoon. When the congregation arrived for the baptismal service, two more souls requested to be baptized having heard God’s call to them. What a joy it was for the church to watch three souls entered the water and be reborn in Christ!

At the end of the baptismal service, the speaker made a call to the church to take care of these new members. He also entrusted the church to continue ministering to those visiting so that, one day soon, they could make the decision to get baptized.

Leonardo Jimenez, pastor at Montrose Spanish Adventist Church, thanked Elder Flores for his spirit-filled messages during the week and for showing everyone present that Jesus is our only hope.

—Dennis Magaña is Montrose Hispanic Adventist Church head elder. Photos supplied.