It goes without saying that we’ve entered a special time of year when we celebrate the birth of Jesus! His First Coming gives us hope as we look not only at His birth, but His life and resurrection. Without that hope burning in our hearts, 2020 would have been an even tougher year than it has been. And with such hope, we await His Second Coming. I pray God will richly bless each one of you and your family as we complete this unique and horrible year.
I want to encourage you to take some time to reflect on the blessings God has bestowed upon you. Count them one by one. Whenever I do that, I am encouraged. I am especially encouraged by the generosity and faithfulness of you, our members, in supporting the church and being engaged in reaching out–in word and deed–to the world with the Good News of Jesus, the Emmanuel.
Some of my blessings during this tough year include my wife who gives me companionship and encouragement. And, He supplies my daily needs. I have never gone hungry. God has blessed us both with continued employment. While many of our friends have had COVID, most of them have survived. As for our four grandchildren, not one has gotten sick. My mom, Annie, has battled cancer, but presently is doing well. My list could go on and on, and so could yours.
It is my prayer that, with the COVID vaccination coming out shortly, by summer, most will have gotten it and things will begin to turn back to some kind of normalcy. I am hoping and praying that 2021 will be a better time and place not only in our country, but around the world.
As we begin 2021, my hope is that each of us will be determined to spend more time in God’s Word each day and that we will take care of our health with renewed vigor and determination; that we plan, strategize and commit to living a healthier and holier life.
I pray that God will richly bless each of you as we celebrate Jesus’ birth and also welcome the new year just before us.
–Ed Barnett, RMC president