LIFT stands for Listen – Inspire – Facilitate – Transform
To Get Started:
INSTRUCTIONS Start with instructions. It includes individual training and train-the-trainer options
STUDY GUIDE – This Study Guide goes along with the PowerPoints and Video, The Study Guide pages will be noted on the bottom of the PP slide if there is one.
You will need to print out the Study Guide or download on another device, or put it side by side on your screen with the PP if you want to follow along during the video or PP.
POWERPOINT – this is the LIFT PowerPoint alone, that you can use with your own words to present in a live training session. They will appear here as a PDF.
LIFT Training Videos– There are 7 videos as labeled below. They add dialogue to the PowerPoints for those who want to know what the author would say in the training.
SURVEY: We request that you fill out the survey after using these tools, to help us to improve the training and make it meet your needs.