By Seth Day —Denver, Colorado … The LifeSource Adventist Fellowship youth group decided they were all Zoomed out and needed a break from a virtual setting. So, what did they do?

They decided to bring a little hope to the church through a drive by ministry effort. Practicing social distancing, each youth stayed with their parents and no one was allowed to carpool. They decorated posters, bought fresh desserts from a local bakery to be shared with the people they were to visit, and formed a line of cars, holding out their signs and honking at the houses of church members. It was priceless to see the look on member’s faces as youth stuck their heads out the window and waved.

This experience taught me a valuable lesson: It’s easy to say, “I can’t do much” because of Covid-19, or some other limiting circumstance, “but that’s not entirely true,” said Seth Day, youth pastor.

There is still a way to be creative even during this time of social distancing. We may not be able to give hugs and rub shoulders with our church members, but there is room to make a phone call, or drop off a poster on someone’s porch. It’s important to think outside the box during this unusual time in order to keep up the morale of our members. If we could only understand how much that small gesture could mean to someone, maybe we would be reaching out more than we do.

“This small outreach effort helped me realize that even during this time of isolation and hardship, I can’t always trust my feelings. The LifeSource youth have proven this concept true. They chose to serve, despite the circumstances around them. They chose faith over feelings,” said Seth Day.

On their red T-shirts are the words, “WE ARE TODAY” from the book Growing With, by Kara Powell, Ph.D., Jake Mulder, Brad Griffin. It’s the vision statement they chose from their youth retreat earlier in the year. It means that they don’t have to wait until they have a college career or are even old enough to drive. They can serve now, today even. Because they believe they are the church of today and not tomorrow. “I have learned so much from my youth group and I couldn’t be prouder to be their pastor.”

Seth Day is youth pastor at LifeSource Adventist Fellowship; photos supplied.