Sue Nelson – Littleton, Colorado … Around 400 Adventurers, staff, parents, and helpers converged May 7 on the Mile High Academy campus in Littleton, Colorado, for the annual Rocky Mountain Conference Adventurer Fun Day! This year’s theme for the event was Through the Storm.

The day started off with a long parade around the grounds ending in the gymnasium for the opening program. The Adventurers then split into groups to gain patches for their sashes like “Noah’s Ark,” “Sand Art,” “Rainbow Promise,” and “Weather.”

At lunchtime, participants could choose from several food booths and build fellowship with some fun activities such as bouncy houses, an obstacle course, a memory verse table, and club flags contest. Casanova the tortoise, cared for by RMC youth director Brandon Westgate, came to visit for a while. He wasn’t much bothered by all the attention he was receiving—he just wanted to eat the grass!

Another highlight of the day was the Bug Beauty Contest and Race. Each child made a “bug” at their home club meetings and brought them to Fun Day to be judged for the “Best Looking Bug.” Each bug had wheels and bug races were held throughout the day, ending in the finals at the closing ceremonies. There were lots of prizes the first, second, and third place winners could choose from.

The day ended with the clubs with at least 1,000 points for their yearly reports receiving a special trophy.

Brandon Westgate remarked, “The day was very well organized. It was inspiring to witness the passion our Adventurer leaders have for facilitating an impactful event for our youngest club ministry members. The children and the adults all had a fun and engaging day!”

Brent Learned, RMC associate youth director, said “It was wonderful to see so many kids excited to learn, play, and grow in Christ.”

Thank you to the RMC Adventurer ministries team David Graham, Cinthyia Miranda, and Lacinda Hopkins! It truly was a “Fun Day!”

—Sue Nelson is executive coordinator for RMC Club ministries. Photos supplied. Photos of Casanova by Brandon Westgate.