Karen Bowen – Farmington, New Mexico … International speakers and grief coaches, Steve and Karen Nicola, from Comfort for the Day provided a three-day training seminar for the Aztec and Piñon Hills Adventist Church congregations and participants from the community, September 22-24.

Learning about developing grief support teams was not just passively listening to instruction. Table Talk paired activities, brainstorming, and individual heart searching were all integral parts of the seminar. Further team development plans are being scheduled in both Aztec and Farmington, New Mexico.

The presenters were very open with their story of grief due to the Leukemia death of their 3-year-old son and their journey of healing from grief. The seminar participants were drawn closer to each other through conversations and activities about personal grief.

One seminar participant said, “Oh, if only I had known these valuable ideas ‘back then’ and had a team like this to help me! Since grief is a part of life, it is a privilege to find resources that can help us support each other in finding healing.”

—Karen Bowen is an elder and deaconess at the Piñon Hills Seventh-day Adventist Church. Photos supplied.