Brandon Westgate – Denver, Colorado … What is Greater Summit? Greater Summit is a prayer retreat and refreshing event for middle and high school students that takes place in the mountains of Colorado, January 13-16, 2023, at Glacier View Ranch.  There will be music, worship, Bible study, and activity options for outside and inside.

We are delighted to announce that our speaker this year will be Jessica Rios (pictured). Jessica works at Campion Academy as director of recruitment. She is a godly woman who is funny, sociable, and engaging. Jessica will bring messages to both challenge and encourage us as we worship together.

We will wrestle with Scripture in break-out groups and dive deeper into relevant passages to discover a God who is for us and not against us.

Planned activities will include snow tubing, snow shoeing, hiking, reading, arts & crafts projects, jam sessions, etc. all mixed in with a cup of hot chocolate here and there!

We are looking forward to meeting you and connecting you with other students to increase your circle of friends and to elevate your experience with God!

We look forward to seeing you here! To register, go to

–Brandon Westgate is RMC youth director. Photo supplied.