RMCNews – Denver, Colorado … There will be 60,000 people traveling to Gillette, Wyoming, for next week’s 2024 International Pathfinder Camporee, August 5-11. The Rocky Mountain Conference (RMC) will be represented by over 900 people from Colorado, Wyoming, and a part of New Mexico including 34 local clubs.
The mission of International Camporees is to celebrate the importance and spiritual influence of the Pathfinder ministry. This will be the ninth gathering of the fraternity of Pathfinders. It all started in 1985 where over 16,000 filled up the mountainous valley at Camp Hale in Colorado. The program included BMX biking, rock climbing, and archery among other activities.
The 2024 Camporee theme is “Believe the Promise.” An evening production will feature the promise God had Moses repeat to the nation of Israel before the exodus. This promise was the promise of freedom from slavery. The attendees will be charged with believing God and His promise that Jesus would help to achieve quality of life for each of us.
The current activity program is larger than before with plans to beat world records in several activities including backpack packing with schools supplies for students in need, postcard collecting, tent set-up, and Lego Great Ball Contraption. There are over 50 community service projects in Gillette planned to be completed during the event. It is expected that a few new honors will be unveiled at this year’s event to expand Pathfinder skillsets.
A cooking competition will involve clubs vying for the top chef award. A few fun runs and a 5K race will also be held along with daily rodeos and MX Power Team motorcycle demos. Jade Teal, RMC Youth assistant director, will lead a rock-climbing event on Devils Tower National Monument for youth in the Teen Leadership Training (TLT) program.
What is of most importance is that we are all invited to pray for the safe travel of these Seventh-day Adventist Pathfinders, leaders, guardians, families, and fellow church members from over 100 countries.
As the CAM-PLEX facilities are being prepared to welcome thousands of participants and visitors to Camporee, Brandon Westgate, RMC Youth director, commented, “A group of RMC summer camp staff, a dedicated bunch of hard-working individuals, are currently working on an incredible number of projects in preparation for the 60,000 participants at Gillette 2024.”
“This group, referred to as the A-team, has been laboring long hours in the hot sun with smiles on their faces to ensure that the participants will enjoy a safe and meaningful experience. It’s incredible. It is inspiring to behold the accomplishments of a bunch of motivated young people. God is already doing great things here; we can’t wait to see how the Spirit moves once this epic event officially kicks off,” he continued.
Around 1,075 attendees have registered to be baptized at Camporee. This is regarded as an important spiritual journey present at every Camporee. “The water will not be still. We are going to have to make some waves,” says Camporee baptism coordinator Craig Carr, Ministerial Director for the Mid-America Union Conference.
The organizers are hoping that the Pathfinders’ presence will make a difference to the over 33,000 (2022) hosting residents of Gillette.
—RMCNews. Photo supplied.