Samantha Nelson – Cody, Wyoming … On August 7-9 the Cody Seventh-day Adventist Church hosted a series by Dr. Robert Carter, a scientist with a Ph.D. in Marine Biology from Creation Ministries International (CMI)—a nonprofit organization not affiliated with the Rocky Mountain Conference—at the local Cody Auditorium.

Carter presented several topics such as, The Alternative: Creation’s Competitive Edge; Dinosaurs & Fossils: Amazing Evidence for Creation; Genetics According to Jesus; Ancient DNA & the Bible; and Coral Reefs & Noah’s Flood.

Attendees expressed their commitment to learning more about Creation from a scientific perspective that supports the biblical truth about Creation. Several of the attendees were present at a series held last year by another organization the church hosted.

“It was encouraging for church members to learn that every single method of advertising—word of mouth, posters, Facebook ads, literature evangelists passing out invitations, and direct email to last year’s attendees, seemed to work,” reported Samantha Nelson, whose husband, Steve, pastors Cody Seventh-day Adventist Church.

She added, “We even had one attendee from the community offer to help us spread the word to other churches for our next meetings. Another attendee drove up from Colorado to see Dr. Carter’s lectures and provided a generous donation to the church to help offset some of the expenses.”

The belief in biblical Creation is among our church’s core beliefs. “The series aimed at bringing people back to the foundation of God’s Word to understand it better and have a firm trust in God’s Word and His promises,” Samantha explained.

–Reported by Samantha Nelson from Cody Seventh-day Adventist Church, Wyoming. Photos supplied.