By RMCNews – Denver, Colorado … DeeAnn Bragaw, RMC women’s ministry director and prayer coordinator, recently accepted the invitation by the North American Division to be their Women’s Ministries Director.
Ed Barnett, RMC president reflected on Bragaw’s ministry, “DeeAnn has been a blessing to our conference, and I know she will be a blessing at the North American Division as well! We will miss her.”
Bragaw is a Colorado native and will miss her home state. In an interview with NewsNuggets she explains her service in RMC. “It’s been my privilege to live and serve in Rocky Mountain Conference! I’m a Colorado native who grew up in Denver about six blocks from the conference office and graduated from Mile High Academy. I spent many summers both attending camp and then working at Glacier View Ranch, and married my husband, Paul, right here in RMC. Together we’ve served in Casper, Boulder, Franktown, Brighton, and Campion. And now I’ve served conference-wide in prayer and women’s ministries.”
The process to accepting the invitation has not been easy Bragaw explains.
“In April, I received a phone call from NAD administration, asking if I’d be willing to submit a resume’ and interview for the position of Director of Women’s Ministries for North American Division. I was shocked! ME?” She continues, “The journey and the decision have not been easy. There are many factors involved in transitioning into this new role. I actually asked if I could serve NAD from RMC! (They said ‘No’.)”
Prayer and Jesus will remain the center of her ministry at the NAD, she comments. “I can’t wait to get to know more of our women, and to develop a team of women from around our division who can partner with us to continue to provide resources to better equip women of all ages to serve from a place of wholeness in Christ. My deepest prayer and my highest calling are to point our women to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith and our service, who mentored His team of disciples so they could disciple others. And He did that by spending time in prayer.”
Bragaw will be transitioning to Maryland and will begin serving as NAD women’s ministry director on July 4.
“At this point Paul will likely stay in Colorado at HMS for the upcoming school year, and we will slowly transition to Maryland. Our family is mostly in RMC, and this is HOME – we’ll be back! Until that time, my prayer is that God will continue to reach the hearts of our people in RMC with a call to a deeper life of prayer, surrender, and service. As one friend put it, ‘You’re not leaving us – you’re taking us to NAD!’”
Bragaw’s prayer for RMC members as she begins a new chapter in her life, “May the Lord bless you and keep you, may He make His face shine upon, may His mercies extend to your children’s children, and may we, together, pray on and serve with joy!”
–RMCNews; photo supplied