By Liz Kirkland

Vacations are an opportunity to unwind, relax, and explore new horizons. But it’s good to remember that our Christian faith is not something we want to leave behind when we go on a trip. In fact, vacation can be an excellent time to strengthen and deepen our spiritual connection.

So how can we keep our faith strong while on vacation?

Begin with Prayer: Before embarking on a trip, take a few moments to pray and seek God’s guidance and protection, asking for His presence throughout your journey. By starting with prayer, you invite God into your vacation plans and set the tone for a spiritually uplifting experience.

Carry Your Bible and Devotionals: Make room in your luggage for your Bible, devotionals, or any spiritual reading material that inspires you. Spend time meditating on God’s Word, seeking His wisdom and guidance, and remaining connected to the teachings of Jesus even when you’re away from your regular routine.

Do Some Church Tourism: Research the area before your trip and find out if there are any churches nearby that you can visit. Attending a local church service allows you to connect with fellow believers and experience the diversity of the Christian community. After all, we, as Adventist Christians, are a family of believers. It can be an enriching experience to worship in a different setting and learn from different perspectives.

Connect with Meaningful Conversations: While on vacation, you are likely to meet people from different cultures, backgrounds, and faiths. Use this opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations about your beliefs. Share your faith in a respectful and loving manner and be open to learning from others. Our actions and words can reflect our faith, so let them shine as a testament to God’s love and grace.

Embrace the Beauty of Creation: Vacation often takes us to beautiful places, whether it’s a scenic beach, a majestic mountain range, or a vibrant city. Take time to marvel at the wonders of God’s creation. Allow the beauty of nature to remind you of His greatness and creativity. Offer prayers of gratitude for the intricate details and breathtaking landscapes you encounter and let them deepen your appreciation for the Creator.

Set Aside Quiet Time: Amidst the excitement and busyness of vacation, it’s important to set aside quiet moments for reflection and prayer. Find a peaceful spot, such as a park, a balcony, or a cozy corner, where you can spend time alone with God. Use this time to meditate, journal, or simply bask in His presence.

Practice Acts of Kindness: Jesus taught us to love our neighbors as ourselves, and vacation provides ample opportunities to put this teaching into practice. Look for ways to show kindness and compassion to those you encounter during your trip. Whether it’s assisting someone in need, offering a listening ear, or showing generosity, let your actions demonstrate the love of Christ.

Vacations can be transforming experiences for Christians with intentionality and a desire to grow in faith. By adding prayer, Bible study, fellowship, and acts of kindness into your vacation, you can nurture your relationship with God and strengthen your faith. Remember, faith knows no boundaries, and, wherever you may roam, you can carry the light of Christ within you.

—Liz Kirkland is a member at Littleton Seventh-day Adventist Church. Photo by Unsplash.