By Hyacinth Cookenmaster – Loveland, Colorado … Students gained a deeper understanding of Moses and the Exodus during Campion Academy’s week of prayer.
The meetings featured archeologist Scottie Baker Jr., Ph.D., who presented a clear picture of Moses and the Exodus using artifacts and his knowledge of ancient Egyptian culture. Baker captivated the audience in person and those students joining in on Zoom.
“I absolutely loved Week of Prayer. It was one of the most interesting Weeks of Prayer I have ever experienced. I love learning how history proves that God is a just God, and He knows what He is doing,” Brianna, senior, expressed.
If students could answer questions on previous lectures, Baker gave away pieces of ancient pottery found on archeological digs. Having the chance to win a part of history brought some extra excitement for the students.
“I was excited about winning a piece of pottery! I basically got a piece of history, and it could’ve even been owned by a person in the Bible,” Toby, freshmen, expressed.
Baker’s lectures helped students understand that the Bible can be explained and known better through studying the historical context. “Dr. Baker helped me understand that when we study the history and background of the way people thought, we can better apply the Bible’s teachings to our own personal lives today,” shared Christine, senior.
“Even though a lot of us attended this Week of Prayer on the other side of a screen, I was deeply blessed and learned the importance of making God a habit in my life and ultimately making Him front and foremost in my everyday life,” Savage stated.
–Hyacinth Cookenmaster is a senior at Campion Academy; photos supplied