By Heather Colburn — Our family is going rogue for this school year: leaving our regular way of life and embarking on an adventure. At the end of last school year, I resigned from my job teaching kindergarten, and we pulled our three kids out of that same school. Our kids are ready to do something different next year, and we are right beside them. This may be the point where you are most likely thinking: “Big mistake! Go back now while you still can!” And yet, with each passing day, with God’s leading, our plan continues to move forward.

By definition, to “go rogue” means to start behaving in a way that is not normal or expected, especially by leaving your group and often doing something dangerous. While some people may think our family’s new reality is dangerous, I like to think it is simply not normal or expected, and that is the part that makes it sound scary. We have left our school group of beloved friends and colleagues and reduced our family to one income. Because Rande, my husband, can currently work from home, our plan is to travel around the country while he continues to works and the kids and I do our school work.

I know there are two sides to what seems like an adventure story for our family. I know that homeschooling is not the right fit for everyone, and many people do not have an opportunity to work remotely. But we saw this year as our family’s chance of a lifetime, and we simply had to seize it. We know it won’t be all roses and sunshine, but despite the daily challenges, I am so grateful to have this time with my family. We are taking on this venture in the spirit of 2 Timothy 1:7: “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”

Doing something that is not normal or expected can look different for each person. It will start out feeling scary, and you may question yourself each step along the way. But taking that leap may be just the thing that you need to jump-start your life and to start living more fully alive. Are there any whispers in your heart today that through which God may be calling you to…

  • Make a life change.
  • Give something a chance that you’ve been on the fence about.
  • Embark on an adventure that others might think is “too out there.”
  • Do something that feels uncomfortable, but that will result in a payout far greater than what money can buy.
  • Behave in a way that goes against society’s norms yet feels right to you.
  • Walk away from a relationship that you know is not adding joy and wholeness to your life.

I don’t know how our year of going rogue will end up. What thoughts will we have once the school year is over? What will we laugh about, regret, learn from? I think these wonderings are all an integral part of our journey. And I am certain that no matter how difficult some parts may be, we will not regret these days that we choose to step away from the “normal” routines of life live in extraordinary ways. As we go rogue this year, we are praying for God’s blessing and leading each step along the way!

–Heather Colburn is a member of The Adventure Church in Greeley, Colorado; photo supplied

This article was originally published in The Adventure Newsletter