By Falon Reynolds and Daniel Birai – Denver, Colorado … Two churches came together to help their community by distributing a tractor-trailer full of furniture, toys, health and beauty items, and food.

LifeSource Adventist Fellowship and True Life Community church, in partnership with World Vision, provided the donated items from overstock or returns from nationwide retailers, as a way of blessing to those in the greatest need in the surrounding community.

“The items have touched the lives of children as well as adults in ways that we never expected.  It has added a truly wonderful ministry to our churches,” said Bob Reynolds, True Life pastor.

“This partnership began in the summer of 2020 when LifeSource partnered with World Vision and the United States Department of Agriculture,” explained Seth Day, co-pastor of LifeSource. “The program, named Farmers to Families partnership, delivered 31-thousand pound of food every Thursday to our church. Volunteers distributed the food to our community for three months.”

The donated items are also helping members grow closer to each other.

“I have been blessed by participating [in this outreach] with offloading the container and the fellowship it has afforded me with other members uniting together in this outreach project to help our community. As a newer member of LifeSource, I’ve been able to connect with other members and make new friendships as well,” Ashley Radu said.

The outreach ministry consists of a monthly delivery of goods to the church where volunteers inventory the items and collaborate to find the best way to distribute the goods to our community.

–Falon Reynolds attends LifeSource and Daniel Birai is co-pastor of LifeSource Adventist Fellowship; photos supplied