By Cheré Fisher – Montrose, Colorado … Members of the Montrose Seventh-day Adventist Church donated funds for a bicycle in support of evangelistic outreach in Zambia, according to Chere’ Fisher, operations officer for the church. The bicycle was purchased for Chabby Alfred Chabala, a lay missionary in Zambia, Africa.

Chabby is now joyfully loading Bibles and Christian literature on the bicycle, excited to have a new transport vehicle to replace one borrowed for many months.

There are many needy individuals hungering and thirsting for God’s Holy Word in Zambia, says Cherie’. Working with Chabby to send donated Ellen G. White books and Bibles to Zambia is They invite donors to support this missionary work, Cherie’ adds. Chabby is also organizing a group of local believers who plan to translate books into several local languages.

“Thank you for your kindness and concern for my missionary work here in Zambia-Luapula Province. You are [giving] a tremendous and miraculous support here,” said Chabby.

He explained that without help from Montrose, little would be accomplished in his province. “Let us be faithful and Jesus will come soon,” Chabby added.

Cheré Fisher, is operations officer of the Montrose Seventh-day Adventist Church. Photo supplied.