Eva Resz – Loveland, Colorado … Members of the Campion Seventh-day Adventist Church, Campion Academy, and community in Loveland, Colorado, traveled to the Dominican Republic for a mission trip, March 7-18.

Thirty-one Campion Academy students, accompanied by an additional 20 students from Thunderbird Adventist Academy in Scottsdale, Arizona, reached the community in the city of Barahona with sermon series, Vacation Bible Schools (VBS), and construction on the boy’s dormitory.

During the mornings, students leading VBS, preaching, and translating began preparing for the evening programs while the construction team mixed concrete and carried bricks to create an addition to the boy’s dormitory. Unfortunately, the construction work was unable to complete the project due to funding shortages.

Moises Hernandez, Campion Academy senior, reflected, “I really enjoyed doing construction and I learned the importance of productivity. We would work hard, and I enjoyed working with my friends. I was sad when the construction ended, but for the remainder of the trip, I helped Claire translate for VBS which was a blessing.”

Each evening, the student missionaries spread out to nine different area churches and put on evangelistic sermon series and VBS programs. The student preachers personalized ready-made sermon outlines to share our uniquely Adventist Biblical truths with the attendees, while other students worked with children in the well-attended VBS programs.

Pastor Leandro Bizama, associate pastor of Worship and Evangelism at Campion Church and the main coordinator of the trip expressed, “I was proud of how our students grew and bonded and shared the gospel. They traveled many miles on crammed vehicles and ministered to hundreds of people every single night.”

Alexandra Cordoba, Campion Academy junior, shared, “There were two things I learned while preaching and translating. First, the church was on fire for God. I would ask ‘who loved Jesus’ and everyone raised their hand. Second, I learned that we should be grateful for the stuff we have here in America because they don’t have the basic necessities.”

In addition to the work, students and sponsors from both schools were able to form a closer bond by sharing meals, going to the beach, hiking in the mountains, exploring the town, and worshiping God together.

Student Keon Paez reflected, “I had a great time experiencing the country and its culture. It was so beautiful, especially the sunsets.”

After seven nights of sermons and VBS programs, 24 local community members and three Campion students chose to get baptized on Sabbath.

Sergio Enriquez, Campion Academy sophomore, shared why he decided to get baptized during the trip: “During the mission trip, I was a translator, and I had to translate the verse Acts 22:16, And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on His name.” Sergio explained that this verse hit home saying, “I decided I should be baptized now.”

Bizama furthered, “The biggest blessing of the trip was to see all the baptisms, and also how the Spirit kindled the fire of evangelism and service in our students’ hearts. A fire I believe will never be put out until Jesus returns.”

—Eva Resz, Campion Academy Student News Team. Photos supplied.