Ciara Felix – Loveland, Colorado … Getting up at 5:30 a.m. on January 22 for a seven-hour road trip by bus to Union College offered Campion seniors a fun beginning to get a taste of life in college with Preview Days. 

Following dinner at Union Market, the group engaged in a scavenger hunt around downtown Lincoln. Their first day included free time in the Student Center with participation in activities such as pool, ping pong, and catching up with Campion alumni now attending Union.

Ana Segawa, one of the Campion students, commented, “I really enjoyed the scavenger hunt because it was a great opportunity to see what it was like outside of the college campus. I was curious since I had never been to Lincoln before, and the fun thing was that we got to see so much of downtown in such a short period of time, while running around like crazy and competing to win the game.”

The seminars they attended the next morning gave them tips on how to pay for college and they met with professors and advisors based on their individual interests. “I enjoyed talking to the different professors and learning more about the career I might study in the future. They gave me great advice and helped me out a lot,” said student Nimsi Quinonez. 

The fun of Preview Days at Union ended with lunch in a popular HuHot Lincoln restaurant, and the final leg of their trip included a seven-and-a-half-hour-long bus ride back to Campion. 

“Although the trip to Union College was fast and furious, it was a great experience spending more time bonding with our class, getting to see Lincoln, and to experience college life up close,” concluded student Haley Beckermeyer. 

—Ciara Felix, Student News Team. Photos supplied.