By Ardis Stenbakken — Loveland, Colorado … “Hey, some of us are meeting in the church parking lot at 5:00 to have a drive-by to encourage our pastors.” That was all it took for at least 23 cars to line up and drive by the Campion Church pastors’ homes, waving signs and posters, and dropping off cards, food items, and cheering gifts.

It all started that same Sabbath morning when Heidi Sorensen saw a Facebook posting from Sarah Schwisow. It was exactly what Heidi had been thinking: “Pray for and encourage your pastors and their families. Perhaps reach out to them today and let them know how much you appreciate their ministry.” The Facebook post continued, “Happy the minister who has a faithful Aaron and Hur to strengthen his hands when they become weary, and to hold them up by faith and prayer. Such a support is a powerful aid to the servant of Christ in his work and will often make the cause of truth to triumph gloriously.” (Ellen G. White, Gospel Workers, p. 92).

The Campion pastors had been working hard to hearten all the members, and then they found out that there was COVID-19 among the Campion Academy staff. Discouragement in the midst of a pandemic! “I thought they were bummed and needed encouragement,” Heidi said, and called Sarah. The idea of doing a drive-by took wings. By word of mouth the word spread, and at 5:00 the cars gathered, full of families and laughter. “It was so good to be out and doing something together even while keeping safe and social spacing,” said one of the participants.

The cars lined up and headed for Pastor and Mrs. Morss’s apartment. The caravan took two trips around the complex, leaving other renters standing in wonder as to what might be happening. Then they were off to the Soriano home; Nestor and Katherine were self-quarantining but stood in the doorway to see all pass by. Then the group was off to the Goetz’ home; Pastor Micheal and Melanie were in the yard, waving and taking pictures. The neighbor and children were in their own yard, watching. The lady was heard to tell the children, “You can wave but you need to stay out of the way. All these people are from their church.”

Madi and Olivia Jordan had spent hours that day creating large banners that said thanks to each pastoral family; a group of kids jumped out of cars and ran these and other signs and goodie bags to place them in from of each pastor’s front doors.

Ardis Stenbakken is Campion Church’s communication department chair; photos by Heidi Sorensen and Carey Jordan