By Eric Aakko – Brighton, Colorado … In the month of September, a group of lay leaders created an online small group with the intention of studying the Conflict of the Ages series over the course of a year.

Designing a yearly reading outline, the small gathering began on a Friday evening studying The Desire of Ages, one of the books in the series written by Ellen G. White.

Discussion participant, Letha Hoos commented, “You can read the Conflict of the Ages books on your own, but in a small group format, you learn from each other, and the weekly discussion helps motivate you to keep up with the reading plan.”

The online gathering continues with The Great Controversy, also one of the series’ books, reading around five chapters a week and then assembling together to discuss highlights.

To learn more about the gathering please visit

–Eric Aakko is lay leader at Brighton Adventist church; Photo by Types & Symbols