Denver, Colorado … [Updated Monday, April 6, 2020] Churches, schools, and the Rocky Mountain Conference office, will remain closed until April 30. Meeting today, April 6, in a teleconference, the RMC administrators and departmental leaders extended the closure in compliance with government decisions as the country and world are dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. It was also recognized that this announcement is for this present time as the dynamics are changing moment by moment.

In a separate action, the RMC team is designating April 4 as a day of fasting and prayer throughout the conference. All members are encouraged to consecrate themselves to pray for our conference, churches and communities.

Commenting on the actions taken today, RMC president Ed Barnett, said that “with the local government shutting down public schools till April 30, we have decided to follow suit with our schools, churches and Conference office. We will continue to give any updates concerning closures as we move forward.”

Church leaders are encouraging all members during this critical time of COVID-19 pandemic, to “take additional time for Bible study and prayer.”

“It is my prayer God will continue to bless you as we move through this trying time! Please use this time to spend more time in God’s Word,” Barnett added.

Commenting on the challenge “to immerse ourselves in God’s Word and prayer now,” Eric Nelson, RMC VP for administration, said that “my wife and I are memorizing Psalm 91, as an affirmation of God’s promise of protective care. We are also increasing our prayer focus at this critical time for our nation and conference.”

“It is so affirming to see neighbors taking care to make sure those in need are provided the essentials that they must have. May we truly be the people of God as ministering agents to those around us who need our help. May we encourage others with the hope that God has given us in His Word,” he added.

As shared with our RMC church last week, the following comment by Eric Nelson continues as valid and important now – “Stay informed by watching news and information, including the local health authority announcements. Use common sense. We all are in this together.”

The closure of churches within RMC did not hinder the conducting of worship services on Sabbath, March 21, though in virtual manner.  Sermons and Sabbath School meetings in many locations were conducted via live streaming. Check the updated list on this webpage.