By Daniela Valencia – Louisville, Colorado … The Denver Hispanic Adventist Church spent the afternoon of February 26 serving and assisting the communities of Superior and Louisville, Colorado as the fire victims rebuild their homes and neighborhoods after the Marshall fire.

The Stallions Pathfinder Club assisted Adventist Community Services Disaster Relief (ACSDR) by performing various projects around the relief warehouse, sorting shoes and bags, bundling hangers, and getting to know the people who came seeking help.

The donations in the warehouse came from all over Colorado and beyond and are given by generous donors, including churches, Girl Scouts, Pathfinders, and various individuals who decided to help the cause. Once these donations enter the warehouse, they are sorted so that clients can easily find what they are looking for. Cathy Kissner, director of Adventist Community Services for RMC, arranged the Pathfinders into small groups to organize different items around the warehouse. The Pathfinders found creative ways to make their work more efficient, including creating assembly lines.

Pathfinder leaders were asking themselves if the few hours spent at the warehouse would actually make a difference. Kissner said, “Yes, the short time the Pathfinders were in the Distribution Center was important to the other volunteers and the clients. When people see young people serving, it strengthens them. Serving shows you care.  The amount of work done by the many hands was amazing.”

One leader explained, “Not only was this experience a great opportunity for the Pathfinders to learn more about their community, but it also served to show that even the small things you do really can make a difference.”

If you wish to volunteer at the warehouse, please visit

-Daniela Valencia is a sophomore at Mile High Academy; photos supplied